Sitarea Website

Because it´s an e-commerce website dedicated to a special market, we consider this work should have the requirement of simplicity, accuracy and usability. Fulfilling the requirements launched by Sitarea.

Highlight the didactic and historical component, reinforcing the will to come back, get knowledge and perhaps buy an iconic chair

Attentive work on the smallest detail as a catalyst for new user experiences was a motivating challenge throughout the creative process.

We were selected for the development of the website, from consulting and design to the programming of the Web platform.
Sitarea is a company dedicated to e-business, has the largest range of furniture made from the designs of the most brilliant creators of Bauhaus, Contemporary, Modern, Retro. From Eames to Mackintosh, from Corbusier to Saarinen.

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1 Comment

  1. A nossa parceria com a Cabine é de uma cumplicidade que nos surpreendeu desde o primeiro momento.
    Inteligentes, de gosto refinado, tecnologicamente audazes e esteticamente refinados.
    Mais do que uma parceria, um companheiro no objecto e no objectivo.
    De nós, um abraço sincero.